Are you Sun Safe At Work?

No Hat No Play

In a recent survey conducted by Lotus Dermatology, it was found that close to 70% of all participants were unaware of any policy put in place by their employer regarding sun safe practices. Whilst many places of work may not be exposing their employees to direct sun, this was an alarming statistic.

There have been sun safe policies in some industries for many years and we have all been involved in some way, shape or form with a “no hat no play” policy whether it be in our own schooling or our kid’s.

Should Australian employers be placing more emphasis on safe practices when it comes to being sun safe? 

Given that most places of business have an induction policy, we don’t think that it would hurt to include some brief guidelines and values around this. We actively encourage business owners to adopt a few simple lines of encouragement where possible.

sun safe policyData referenced in this post was captured in Lotus Dermatology’s clinic and on Lotus Dermatology’s website. The sample size was between 100 to 150 participants.